ประชาธิปไตยอัจฉริยะ (5)

Smart Democracy 5 democracy at work In other words, it is a constructive democracy in the workplace as much as it can afford. such as democracy in the public and private sectors, in which work may be limited If there are changes in the rules in the workplace to create a democratic atmosphere in the workplace, which is enough to look at the issues in promoting democracy as follows: 1. Democracy in the work of the bureaucracy. which in the public sector, especially the core part of democracy, is Democracy in universities should have laws that promote democracy in universities which are intellectuals. If educational institutions do not have a democratic atmosphere, then there will be a dictatorship that applies to universities. such as issuing an order or rules and regulations that must be careful that it is not caused by the university community including from the local community that took part Or in schools, the parents' association should play a role in making recommendations. and pushing schools to operate in accordance with the needs of the Parent Association and in the administration of the university, the appointment of committees of the University Council including faculty members and government officials Even the election for the president should allow students to play a role in elections. or has a proportion of choosing a person who is a university administrator If students are not given the opportunity It will allow the university administrators to perform tasks that please only the selected government officials. Which at present is still in a narrow circle because it is selected from the selection committee for the Dean and the President, resulting in a lobby of the University Council. or nomination committee easily The people who are empowered do not come from the moral system. but relying on the recommendation from the nomination committee; Therefore, it is important that the nomination committee be used only as a qualification check. but should be elected by the entire community. from teachers, government officials, and students and full-time staff in terms of proportions, but most importantly, the proportion of students should be the most important Because the university administration should respond to the needs of students who are a large group of people. followed by a government teacher and followed by a government official and permanent employees respectively Criteria depend on the proportion of the population. and more importantly, the electoral method should have campaigns, polls, debates just like general elections; The reason for doing this is to make the intellectual class awaken to democracy. If you think that this method is problematic, it may be possible to use a qualifying examination to place the person in the top management position. by stipulating criteria that have academic qualifications that are good quality and has a democratic test which is one of the important competencies to consider and next is the vision of working for the university for the university's excellence. It is not a management that has a monopoly on power with a single group of people. and the creation of an empire and unable to work for the people very well




ตัวแบบจำลองภารกิจของแอสริช (Ashridge Mission Model)
