Smart Democracy 10

Smart Democracy 10 Democracy in Asia and democracy in developed countries In most of Asia, the development is very slow. Democracy in Asia is characterized by the use of power from the elite, which is often a battle between opposition parties and the government. The country that had a coup d'etat, but is now calm, is Malaysia. which politics has always been vested in the government It is a politics that is characterized by power struggles. If any country that maintains the weakest democratic mechanism is Burma because it is a regime of Burma's military junta. and detained Aung San Suu Kyi from political roles despite Aung San Suu Kyi's struggle for democracy. But because Aung San's group Suu Kyi only had well-educated city people who wanted democracy. In rural areas, there are mostly minorities. Therefore, the state power of Burma stems from the barrel of a gun. As a result, Burma does not open the door to the world like other Asian countries; In Thailand, democracy is more active. and has passed through the stage of democracy many times The way of governance that the elite tried to dominate the power. and national interests are quite difficult; In the Middle East, following grass root democracy, similar to India, Michael Vaticiotis noted that democracy in Asia can be summarized as follows: The reasons why democracy in the Asian region are deformed are as follows: 1. Continuous change in socio-cultural happens very slowly to be accepted in the patronage system 2. In the economy people in southeast asia especially in rural areas, still poor also need the patronage of the leader 3. The patriarchal style still exists, that is, the government under the constitution. Emphasize and pay attention to the meaning rather than the practical application. This is an obstacle to the development of democracy. Democracy changes in the region are caused by 3 important factors: 1. Populism due to 1997 caused widespread discontent. especially at the elite level because of the loss of interest in a lot of money 2. Social media like online media It is an important tool in the wider populist campaign. Make populism more spread
3. Changes in Civil Society The people were united into civil society groups to challenge the former powers more. and when civil society has strong power, it will support Democracy is also strengthened by traditional elites. will go out and decorate themselves to be closer to the people and show that He came to have power to rule in order to serve the people. Finally, we must make civil society play an increasingly important role, as President Barack Obama has told Indonesia that It is a country with a strong and stable democracy because of its civil society and active people. Oftentimes, it's a view. leading a country who think there is freedom There is a full democracy to wear in another country that has liberty and democracy not equal to the first type, then analyze the situation of that country by forgetting context or limitations or important conditions of each country to (from the seminar "Democracy and Promoting Peace and Stability" by the Geneva Regional Director, in a nutshell, democratic governance is a matter of contention among the elite. and if the country lacks the distribution of benefits thoroughly Or there is oppression like the Middle East, there will be uprisings demanding that the leaders resign. This reflects that if leaders manage their interests without spreading them evenly to all classes There will be another class of resistance. Therefore, the expectation of the peoples of Asia is to have a balanced distribution of benefits. which is not easy in practice  but must look at democracy in all classes in a friendly way or reconciliation or compromise and reducing competition will reduce problems with democracy at different classes; and most democratic or dominant decisions are based on the academic principle that “Change comes from the elite. and decisions come from above" (change from the top and decisions from above, where the changing influences in Asia come from the elite and support from the people ---------------------------------------------




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